Free Nunlike Reject is an anagram. It's also a place for writing, pictures, whatever comes to mind. Most of the pictures are of my native Los Angeles. I can't help it. I love it here.


Seven Year Old Logic

What I am about to tell you is between us, seriously. If you know Jimbo, ever meet Jimbo, or come to know anyone that knows Jimbo, please keep this to yourself.

My son was standing up straight and singing a song I couldn't quite understand. He was very serious. When I started to walk out of the room he said,

"I'm clenching my butt for Jesus."

That is what my innocent sweet boy told me. He said this with the most sincere straight face, although I was having a hard time keeping one.

"What did you say?", I asked as I pivoted backward, looking at him with my head cocked.

"I'm clenching my butt for Jesus".

Honestly I just wanted to hear him say it again. I couldn't believe my ears. He said this while standing ramrod straight and looking me in the eye. Thus forcing me to look back and not spit out my coffee.

Now I am wondering, at what age did I become a smart ass. Surely it was before seven. But he seemed so sincere. Is he being a smart ass? He has such a angel face.

"What do you mean", I finally asked him, after gazing off in space for a moment, lost in my own thoughts and doubts of parental failure.

"I'm standing up straight, like I did at the Christmas show".

"OK... But what does you butt and Jesus have to do with anything?" I asked him, now really curious.

"You know, at our Christmas show, when everyone was looking at me and I had to sing, even though I didn't want to".


"Well I clenched my butt to stand up straight and it's a Christmas show, so it's for Jesus, because Christmas is for Jesus".

"OK, I get it. You are standing up straight, like you did at the Christmas Pageant. And in order to stand up straight, you kind of have to clench your butt. Do I have that right?"

"Yes, what is so hard to understand about that?"

Now this is where I know he is defintely a smart ass by age seven.

I don't know. What is so hard about that?


Coming into harbor

This was a whale watch boat. The harbor lights are gorgeous coming into Long Beach.

Two kinds of purple sage

The plants here include purple sage, ivy geranium, fortnight lily, grasses. Native purple sage is the stuff mixed in with the red geranium and aloe in full bloom.

Looking west

Nice view to the west.

Succulents and Nasturstiums

I had to look up how to spell nasturstiums. Weird word. Great flower.


I really like my house. It sits up on a little hill and the view is great. We like to sit on the chairs at sunset and just watch the street change.

Creeping bamboo and daisies too

I love flowers that come back every year. I cut these daisies back every year and they come back like this. I also like the tinting of this picture and the bamboo kind of spreading toward the stairs. It's creeping every nearer....

Front Steps

These are the stairs to my front door. They really confuse people that have never been to the house before because they start in the driveway. I was also playing around with the color saturation on this photo and other things that should probably be left well enough alone. But I don't like to leave things well enough alone.

This stick in the center of the frame is a ginko tree my friend Pinky gave me. It's name is Ginky for obvious reasons. This is pretty much all Ginky does with the exception of gaining a few leaves and then shedding them. I have faith in Ginky though. Ginky is a keeper.

Front Garden Spring 2009

This is a view of my house from the sidewalk. I have been playing around with slightly altering the photos. The plants you see are ivy geranium, lavender, matilija poppies and grasses. There are also some yellow aloe blooms and succulents.