Free Nunlike Reject is an anagram. It's also a place for writing, pictures, whatever comes to mind. Most of the pictures are of my native Los Angeles. I can't help it. I love it here.


Day three of gorgeous skies

This is the third day of beautiful skies over Los Angeles.  The first photos are early in the morning, about 6:45.  The huge mushroom cloud in the middle was taken by my husband mid-day over facing the San Gabriel mountains from Alhambra and the sunset photos are on my way home from work. Some over Universal City and some over the Whittier Narrows. 





song of the day - Girlfriend

Today's song of the day is "Girlfiriend" by Phoenix, taken from a live performance at KCRW.


Day two of a gorgeous sky

These photos were all taken today. It is the classic California crazy hot September, the month I always think of as the hottest of the year.  Our sky has been incredible for two days now coming off of three days of horrendous heat.   Today I saw two rainbows, heat lightning, giant raindrops, thousands of birds over the Whittier Narrows and of course, gorgeous, crazy clouds.  I hope you like these photos as much as I do.  And in case you are wondering, the stick that shows up in some of the photos is the antenae from my car, and the dots that appear in some of the pictures are crows, hundreds of them.