Free Nunlike Reject is an anagram. It's also a place for writing, pictures, whatever comes to mind. Most of the pictures are of my native Los Angeles. I can't help it. I love it here.


song of the day - Emergency Call

Today's song of the day is Matt Costa's "Emergency Call" live at The Troubadour.


song of the day - Your Hand in Mine

Today's song of the day is "Your Hand in Mine" by Explosions in the Sky".


Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone Lens: Jimmy Flash: Off Film: Ina's 1969

Sent from my iPhone


song of the day - Rave On

Today's song of the day is M. Ward's version of "Rave On".   Really cool animation too.




song of the day - Valentine

Today's song of the day is a demo version of The Replacements "Valentine".



song of the day - The Ballad of El Goodo

Today's song of the day is The Wellspring's cover of "The Ballad of El Goodo".


song of the day - 1957

Today's song of the day is Milo Greene's "1957".  It's a live recording in a loft, and it looks an awful lot like my sister Jill's old place.

song of the day - Bushwick Blues

Today's song of the day is Delta Spirit's "Bushwick Blues".


song of the day - Midnight in Moscow

Today's song of the day is "Midnight in Moscow" by Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen