Free Nunlike Reject is an anagram. It's also a place for writing, pictures, whatever comes to mind. Most of the pictures are of my native Los Angeles. I can't help it. I love it here.


poem of the week - Umbrage


Taken, given:
friendships riven.                

From shadow or shade,
it instantly puts paid

to hard-won clarities
and causes us to freeze

up with unearned righteousness;
it makes us less.

How much better to combat it.
We should take umbrage at it.

-Ben Downing    

Thank you to Irene Vukovich - I hope you send us poems from the freelance world. 


Today's song of the day is Squeeze's "Tempted".  It's worth waiting through the strange little intro.


song of the day - It's only natural

One of my all time favorite songs, Crowded House doing "It's Only Natural".


song of the day - Baiana

Today's song of the day is Barbatuques "Baiana".  I can't pronounce the name of the song, but it's a really cool song and language skills never stop me.


Skull at King Kong attraction


song of the day - Somebody That I Used to Know

Today's song of the day is Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know".  Happy Friday.