Free Nunlike Reject is an anagram. It's also a place for writing, pictures, whatever comes to mind. Most of the pictures are of my native Los Angeles. I can't help it. I love it here.



song of the day - Keep the Car Running

Today's song of the day is Arcade Fire's "Keep the car running". This song really reminds me of Bruce Springsteen.


song of the day - Taking in Code

Today's song of the day is a live version of Margot and the Nuclear So & So's "Taking in Code".


song of the day - Keep on Going

Today's song of the day is  Brian McGee & the Hollow Speed "Keep on Going".


song of the day - Comes and Goes in Waves

Today's song of the day is Greg Laswell's "Comes and Goes in Waves".

song of the day - Plastic Cup and Blue

Today's song of the day is Low performing "Plastic Cup" and "Blue".  I'm really loving the NPR Every Song Considered Website this week.