Free Nunlike Reject is an anagram. It's also a place for writing, pictures, whatever comes to mind. Most of the pictures are of my native Los Angeles. I can't help it. I love it here.


Tents at Ft. MacArthur

Soldiers at Ft. MacArthur

Rifles, Ft. MacArthur

The young Roman soldier

The sleeper, Ft. MacArthur

The Gaul

Tents and flags, Ft. MacArthur


British soldier, Ft. MacArthur history days

British Coppersmith, Ft. MacArthur history days

A Scot, Ft. MacArthur history days, San Pedro


Boots, Ft. MacArthur

Soldiers, Ft. MacArthur


Kyle, Confederate from Louisiana, Ft MacArthur History Days

Roman encampment at Ft MacArthur History Days


Yesterday my family and I went to the beach.

It was incredibly humid at our house and the beach is something that always makes us happy.   Somehow we can always get along when are toes are in the sand. Yesterday was particularly challenging - it was hot, it was a holiday weekend, and we were not the only people trying to get a parking space.  We argued as we drove around, my son complained as we walked to the beach from our less-than-ideal parking space and we all wished there were less people to contend with once we got here.   However, none of that seemed to matter once we were settled and the wind was blowing away our bad moods.  It was beautiful, the water was warm and I felt so lucky to live in Southern California so close to the beach.